*Please ensure house number visible on front of residence* Disclaimer and signature
Water and sewer payments are due by the 15th day after billing cycle. Balances become past due on the 16th day and are considered delinquent. A 10% charge on remaining unpaid fees will be added onto the next bill cycle along with a flat rate $30 penalty fee for any instance of a current balance becoming past due. Failure to pay on time may result in a disconnection. Should disconnection occur, you will be subject to the fees the village incurs from our contracted water servicer to perform disconnects and reconnects. In addition to the entire outstanding past due balance, must be paid before reconnection.
It is acknowledged that I/We are familiar with the Water and Sewer Rates and Billing Procedures of the Village of Alvo, Cass County, Nebraska. Furthermore, I/We understand the water service disconnection procedures for non-payment of any delinquent balance on the combined water and sewer bill.