Question: How tall can grass and weeds grow on a property before it becomes a public nuisance? Who do you contact to report a property overgrown with weeds and grass?
Answer: Grass and weeds are permitted to grow up to a height of eighteen inches (18 ") on any premises within the Village of Alvo. Any premises within the Village of Alvo with grass and weeds that are in excess of 18" in height constitutes a public nuisance. It shall be the duty of every owner of real estate in the Municipality to cut and clear such real estate, together with one half of the streets and alleys abutting thereon, of all weeds and worthless vegetation that are noxious, obstruct travel on public ways, or create a fire or health hazard. Subsequent to the cutting of the said weeds and worthless vegetation shall be immediately removed.
To report a property that is overgrown with weeds or grass in excess of 18" in height, please contact the Village Office at 402-781-9201 or villageofalvo@outlook.com. Upon notification or discovery of a property with overgrown vegetation, the Village of Alvo sends a letter to the owner, lessee, tenant, or agent having control of the property notifying them of the violation, directing them to cut down all grass and weeds that exceed 18" in height within five (5) days. Should the grass and weeds not be cut down within 5 days, the Village of Alvo has the grass and weeds cut down. The costs and expense of any such work shall be reimbursed back to the Village of Alvo by the owner, lessee, tenant, or agent. Costs and expenses must be paid to the Village of Alvo by the owner, lessee, tenant, or agent within 30 days after being billed.